Mears Furniture
Mears Furniture is a five-man company which supplies new and
second-hand office furniture. The company consists of the owner, John
Mear, an administrator, Angela, two salespeople, Sarah and Simon, and
Dave, the delivery guy.
Mears Furniture have four PCs in the company, and two printers. Dave
knows a little bit about PCs and has recently installed a small network
with the aim of letting any user print to the printer that is connected
to John's PC. This has worked reasonably well, although there have been
a few teething problems, and of course it does require that John's PC
is permanently turned on. Angela's PC has a modem on it, and she dials
up to their Internet Service Provider four or five times a day to
collect any email for Mears Furniture. Any she gets is printed out and
distributed to the correct recipient.